
One of the best ways to promote healthy trees, a quality ecosystem, and the importance of passing down what we have to the next generation is by outreach and education.

Why Trees?

One of my very first "real jobs" in forestry came just after the Joplin Tornado. Wind speeds of +200 mph touched down and reaked havoc through my hometown. The Missouri Department of Conservation and the City of Joplin came together in 2013 to replant the trees of Joplin, and I jumped in with both feet. I have worked for almost 10 years helping our community rebuild, and engage in nature. Park trees, street trees, yard trees, city right of way trees... you name it I have planted it, pruned it, watered it, and educated about its importance. This experience fed my passion for healthy trees in our community, and has given me a drive to provide the best tree care possible.

Emerald Ash Borer

The Emerald Ash Borer is a very small insect with a very LARGE impact! These insect borers have a very high kill rating once they have migrated into an area with a dense Ash population. The best thing you can do is to protect your tree with a preventative insecticide. This is a targeted injection specifically for Ash trees aimed to kill EAB.

Not all Ash trees are good candidates for application, the size and the overall health of the trees will determine if chemical application is right for your trees. Visit more information